Hearing aids are incredible devices that can enable those with hearing loss to enjoy a new lease on life. Not only do devices like this make it possible to improve your hearing, but they also come in loads of different shapes and sizes. To help you figure out which option will be best for you, this article will explore five of the most popular hearing aid styles on the market. Of course, though, it’s always worth talking to a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) before you choose the hearing aid for you.

In the ear (ITE)

ITE hearing aids sit snuggly inside your ear, leaving almost no visible trace of the device you’re using. An impression of your ear will be made by your HIS, ensuring that this type of hearing aid offers a snug fit that won’t be uncomfortable. Thanks to their small size, hearing aids like this are very discrete, though they may not have the same battery life or features as larger hearing aids.

Behind the ear (BTE)

BTE hearing aids come in two parts; a large section that sits behind the ear, and a smaller piece that sits inside the ear. A tube connects these two pieces, making BTE hearing aids easier to see than other types of hearing aid. Fortunately, though, their larger size also means that hearing aids like this have long battery lives and are very easy to control. 

In the canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aids are larger than ITE options while being smaller than BTE hearing aids, sitting in your outer ear bowl. An HIS will be able to make a custom ITC hearing aid that fits perfectly, and the size of these hearing aids balances ease of use and battery life with low visibility. ITC hearing aids are one of the most popular options on the modern market, making them a good starting point in your research for products like this.

Invisible in canal (IIC)

IIC hearing aids are based on ITC options, giving them many of the same benefits. Unlike ITC hearing aids, though, an IIC hearing aid is almost entirely invisible. This makes it very similar to an ITE hearing aid, but they are often even smaller. Those who struggle to use small buttons and controls may find it hard to get to grips with a hearing aid this tiny.

Completely in canal (CIC)

CIC hearing aids are very similar to IICs, making them an excellent choice for those who want a hearing aid that will be very hard to see. Hearing aids of this size are usually best for those with moderate hearing loss, as their size comes at the cost of control and power. Of course, though, this is perfect for those who don’t need help with their hearing all the time.

Hearing aids offer amazing technology, but you need to make sure that you are getting professional support when you choose one. An HIS can help you to choose the right hearing aid for you, making it easier to get what you need out of a tool like this.