Many people have some anxiety when preparing for hearing aid fittings as they do not know what to expect. However, a hearing aid fitting session is just like any other health-related appointment. You will be asked some questions, and your hearing health professional will run a few tests to determine the most suitable for you. Here is a guide to help you prepare for your hearing aid fittings.

Before the Fitting

After being diagnosed with hearing loss, you will have to schedule a fitting session. But before the actual fitting, you should discuss with your hearing specialist concerning treatment options. This will expose you to several options you have, and which ones best suit your hearing needs and lifestyle.


There is information out there about hearing aids if you know how to look. The discussion with your hearing care provider should trigger an interest in you. It would be best to research hearing aids such as in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC). The research will expose you to a wealth of knowledge that will ensure that you are well prepared for your hearing aid fitting.


After you have done your research, you will have some questions. Make sure you put these questions into writing so that you do not forget about them. You can take them along when going for your fitting session or call your hearing health professional and ask them over the phone before your hearing aid fitting. The hearing care provider will adequately address all your questions and concerns.

During the Fitting

After you have settled on your choice of hearing aid, your hearing health professional will perform some final checks. Your ear will be checked to ensure that the earwax is minimal and no other infections are noticed. If you decided to go with an ITE, an earmold would be required. An earmold is an impression of your ear achieved by placing a soft putty into your ear to fit the ITE into your ear. This is to make you feel comfortable when the hearing aid is finally inserted into your ear.

The Fitting

The entire hearing aid fitting session can take up to two hours. This means that you will not be rushed as everything will be done to ensure that you make the right choice and that the hearing aid fits comfortably. When the hearing aid is finally fitted into your ear, your hearing health professional will perform a few tests to assess the sounds you can hear and the volumes that are comfortable for you. This will ensure that the sound settings are the best for the sound levels of the places you frequent.


After your hearing aid has been fitted and properly calibrated, your hearing health professional will teach you some things. These will include how to properly care for your device, safe storage and cleaning. Other things you will learn will be how to insert and remove your device, how to turn your hearing aid on and off and how to adjust the volume settings.

Hopefully, this guide has provided you with ample information on what to do before a hearing aid fitting and what to expect during the fitting session.