Hearing loss is a prevalent problem, affecting one in eight people over 12 years of age in America. If you have trouble hearing or know someone who does, the first step is to consult a hearing care provider for a diagnosis. After that, you might qualify to use hearing aids. Here, you'll get to know:

  • What hearing aids are
  • Why the Hearing aid professional carries out a hearing analysis
  • The hearing aids options available
  • How the fitting is done

Hearing aids are medical devices that can help people with mild to severe hearing loss by amplifying sound and making it more understandable. Hearing aid fittings provide the opportunity for patients to test different types of hearing solutions and determine the best one for their needs. What happens during the fitting process?

Hearing Analysis

One of the first steps in a hearing aid fitting is for your hearing health professional to analyze how you hear sound and identify any issues contributing to difficulty understanding. They will then help determine what kind of solution might work best with your particular needs. The hearing health professional will conduct hearing tests to determine a comfortable sound pitch and understand how the hearing aids will benefit you. 

Discuss the Options Available

There are different models and designs, not forgetting that costs vary. The specialist will discuss the most favorable options after analyzing your needs and let you know the costs. You'll also learn about different features each model has and how they can help improve your hearing. There are mainly three styles of hearing aids to choose from, these are 

  • Behind the ear (BTE)
  • In the ear (ITE)
  • In the canal (ITC)
  • Invisible in canal (IIC)
  • Completely in canal (CIC)

ITE hearing aids fit in the outer bowl and are modeled according to your ear specifications. Some in the ear aids fit deep inside the ear canal, while others fit on the outer ear. 

BTE or behind the ear hearing aids fit behind your ear with tubing that filters sound and transfers it deep into the ear canal. 

ITC hearing aids are custom-made to fit in the ear canal. They are larger than CIC hearing aids but smaller than BTE.

Discuss the Hearing Aids Environment

Your hearing aids will be programmed to work best for the environment you spend most of your time in. For example, if you work at a noisy factory or construction site, the hearing aid will be programmed to filter high noise levels making it possible to hear better. If you have more than one place you spend time in, such as an office and a restaurant, you can have hearing aids programmed to accommodate each environment.

Ear Fittings Taken

Once you decide on the best hearing aid, you will need to get your ear fitted and comfort level tested. This process is straightforward and generally takes less than ten minutes per ear. If you require a custom-made device, the impression will be created and the order processed. It takes approximately two weeks to have the device ready.

Learn Proper Usage and Maintenance 

Every device requires proper usage and maintenance. You might need a device care kit, an assortment of tools for daily cleaning, safety checks and other routine tasks to keep your devices in top condition. 

You'll also be advised on the importance of maintenance of your hearing aids and if you have any questions ask your hearing health professional.