Hearing loss can affect anyone, but it is more common in older people. Many individuals might not realize they have hearing loss, so it’s often up to friends and family to notice the signs, especially if the decline is gradual

But in order to help, you have to understand the problem you’re dealing with. For example, you may suspect an issue, but if your partner hasn’t noticed, then this can be somewhat difficult to communicate. This is especially true if you notice general lifestyle changes, like their lessened mobility, difficulty communicating or if they struggle to hear as they once had. If you think a loved one might be experiencing hearing loss but aren’t sure, there are ways to identify it. Consider having an open conversation with them and suggest seeing a hearing health professional for an evaluation.

Difficulty Hearing Conversations

It’s unlikely that your partner suddenly finds you boring. If you notice that they often seem to not respond after you speak, they might be experiencing hearing loss. Even mild hearing loss can make it difficult to hear certain frequencies, which could affect how well they hear your voice. Try speaking a bit louder and see if that makes a difference. Asking them if they can hear you clearly can help you understand if this is a recurring issue.

Louder Volumes

If you find yourself continually arguing over the noise levels of the television, radio, computer or smartphone, it could be your partner requires a little extra volume to hear correctly. Try not to focus on the frustration, discuss if this could be a symptom of hearing loss, especially if it’s changed in recent years.

Shouting While They Speak

Those who struggle to hear or encounter hearing loss can sometimes struggle to hear themselves as they usually do. This might lead to them shouting to make themselves clearer without even realizing it. If you notice they are speaking louder or shouting when they speak, have a conversation with them about the signs you have noticed.

Household Injuries or Clumsiness

Household injuries or increased clumsiness can sometimes indicate hearing loss. When someone has trouble hearing, they may not be fully aware of their surroundings or the sounds that signal potential hazards. This lack of awareness can lead to accidents, like bumping into objects or dropping things more frequently. If a person is not reacting to warning sounds or changes in their environment, their risk of injury at home can increase. Noticing these patterns might suggest a need for a hearing evaluation to determine if hearing loss is affecting their daily safety and mobility.

Hearing Loss Symptoms Like Tinnitus

Hearing loss symptoms like tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing in the ear, can be a sign that change has occurred. If they complain about ringing or discomfort, have then speak to a hearing health professional as they can find the right treatment for them.

If you want to learn more about if your loved one or you are experiencing hearing loss, schedule an appointment with a hearing health professional.