When it comes to getting your ears cleaned, chances are, you’re most likely going with the do-it-yourself (DIY) option, such as cotton swabs or even some other at-home remedy treatment, right? While you should clean your ears out regularly, even at home with traditional solutions, you need to keep in mind how delicate your inner ears are.

If you’re not cleaning your ears properly, you could always risk pushing earwax further, accidentally hurting your eardrum or even potentially causing an infection. Sometimes, when it comes to your ear cleaning, you might need to see a hearing health professional just to ensure that you’re getting the job done properly. So, here’s why you need to choose a professional, as this is always going to be the right approach for ear cleaning!

Hearing Health Professionals Have the Right Tools

While many people try to clean their ears using various objects such as cotton swabs or eco-friendly versions of ear cleaners, these methods are not only improper but also can cause serious damage. These foreign objects can push earwax deeper into the ear canal, leading to impacted earwax, which in turn leads to ear infections. While yes, they’re meant to get the job done, oftentimes, you’re going to be pushing wax in rather than pushing it out.

Hearing health professionals can remove excessive earwax using safe and effective tools that reduce infection risk and improve hearing. The tools they have are advanced and simply not available to purchase easily. Plus, they know how far to put these instruments into your ear without risking damage.

They Know the Right Technique

Hearing health professionals go to medical school and have special training for years, so they’re going to perfect their method of ear cleaning to ensure that their patients are safe. They’re trained in various methods of earwax removal, including irrigation and micro-suction. They can safely and quickly remove earwax using these procedures. If you’ve ever cleaned your ears and felt uneasy, as if you’re afraid you’re going to accidentally injure yourself, then you should definitely see a hearing health professional in a case like that.

Your Ears Won’t Risk Getting Injured

When it comes to earwax, it’s like a double-edged sword. You need earwax for your ears as this helps prevent germs from getting in. However, too much earwax can cause tinnitus, but cleaning it could also mean you’re either pushing earwax more into the ear canal or even risking damage to your ear drum.

You can perforate your eardrum or damage the lining of your ear canal if you stick a cotton swab in too far. Accidents happen, but sometimes accidents can cause too much damage. You just don’t have to worry about getting any injuries or risking your hearing when you allow a hearing health professional to approach this issue for you.

Your Hearing Won’t Be Damaged

Ears are designed to naturally free themselves of earwax. However, if your ears have a narrow or curvy canal, skin conditions or an underlying medical issue that affects earwax management, you may need regular cleaning to ensure the proper balance of earwax. Plus, earwax for everyone is different, as some people produce thick pieces of earwax, while others will produce a sticky wax-like consistency instead.

But regardless of which type of earwax your produce, you’re going to have to worry about your hearing being put at risk whatsoever. In the end, if you’re experiencing build-up within your ear, it’s time to see a hearing healthcare professional for a thorough ear cleaning.