A hearing aid can be a vital device for those experiencing hearing loss. There are many different types of hearing avid available, with each one having its benefits for different people. Whether it’s your first hearing aid or you’ve bought multiple hearing aids in the past, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about picking out hearing aids.

What to Think About When Choosing A Hearing Aid

The type of hearing aid you choose will depend on different factors, including the severity of your hearing loss and your lifestyle. If you’re very active, for example, you’ll want a hearing aid you know can stay secure. You might also want a hearing aid that’s very subtle, or one that has a rechargeable battery so that you don’t have to buy replacement batteries.

Choosing a hearing aid can feel overwhelming but understanding the different types of hearing aids will make it easier for you to find the right fit for you.

Here are the most common styles of modern hearing aids.

In the Ear (ITE)

An ITE hearing aid is custom-made to allow it to fit the shape of your outer bowl. They feature two microphones to provide directional sound that can improve the quality of your hearing.

The larger size of the ITE means it can hold a larger battery, for longer battery life, but it also allows space for features such as volume control. They can also be easier to fit for the wearer.

ITE hearing aids are typically more visible than other types of hearing aid and may pick up additional background noise such as wind noise due to their positioning. This makes them better suited to those with mild hearing loss but can work well with severe hearing loss too.

Behind the Ear (BTE)

A BTE hearing aid is a versatile type of hearing aid that can help people with different types of hearing loss. As the name suggests, the device hooks over your ear, with a tube connecting to the earpiece. The earpiece, known as an earmold, is custom fit for you.

Modern BTE hearing aids feature a subtler design, making them less noticeable, although they remain the largest type of hearing aid. They can amplify sound effectively and are available with different types of battery styles to suit your preference.

In the Canal (ITC)

Generally suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss, ITC hearing aids are custom fit, molded so that it’s suitable for your ear canal. There are a lot of benefits that come with ITC hearing aids. They are smaller and more discrete, but do not come with a directional microphone. Because of their position in the ear canal, they can help reduce wind noise.

Getting Expert Help to Choose Your Hearing Aid

With multiple types of hearing aid available, you might be unsure of which type is best for your circumstances. Making an appointment with a hearing instrument specialist can help you learn more about the different styles and get expert advice to make your selection. As hearing aids feature a custom fit, you’ll be in safe hands when it comes to picking out the right hearing aid for you.